The expressions for the evening were varied and American. I tasted seven which may have been one more than my taste buds could take. I suffered though. Yeah. It was horrible. (That's sarcasm.)
Anyway, here is what I tasted between eating the delicious fried green tomatoes, better-than-Walker's shortbread and meat:
*Buffalo Trace Straight Bourbon Whiskey 45% ABV
-smelled of bourbon (usually saying this about a Scottish whisky) [Imagine that?]
-strong wood and vanilla
-tasted oak, slightly sour
-trailed bitter oak
-with water smelled sweet vanilla
-tasted even more bitter (bitterer)
This one is going in the living cask! Greg was kind enough to bring this one for the evening. It is not one of his favorites, or even one that he wanted to keep. We've tasted, noted and poured into club barrel.
*Corsair Quinoa Whiskey 46% ABV Batch #18 [300/1369]
-smelled like a Butterfinger/caramel
-tasted nutty with pepper
-with water smelled like peanuts
-tasted peppery/nutty
-trailed oak
Does not taste as sweet as it smells.
*Virginia Highland Malt Whiskey 46% ABV Oak Aged Malt From Scotland
-smelled cinnamon dessert
-tasted slightly sweet
-with water smelled cinnamon bun
-tasted pepper bitter- no sweet
-trailed bitter oak
Water ruined this!
*Peregrine Rock California Single Malt 40% ABV
-smelled dank leather, floral
-tasted slight floral, very peppery!
-with water smelled sour leather
-tasted bitter oak
-trailed sour
*Woodford Reserve Classic Malt 45.2% ABV
-smelled pastry/pie crust, almost butter
-tasted oak/paper (not pepper)
-trailed peppery
-with water smelled slightly burnt cooking oil
-tasted bitter oak
Not a great taste but interesting.
*(ri)1 46% ABV
-smelled rye bitter
-tasted peppery rye, then the pepper went away quickly
-trailed oak dry
-with water smelled citrusy/strong rye
-tasted bitter oak with rye
-trailed peppery
Not in my top ten of choices.
*Wyoming Whiskey Bourbon 44% ABV
-smelled sour oak, oily
-tasted very peppery
-trailed bourbon sweet
-with water smelled slight sweet dough
-tasted sweet cinnamon bread quickly
-trailed oaky bitter
Sweet peppery oily oak.