Our Ireland trip was highlighted by the holiday season. Lights were everywhere. People were shopping (almost all locally owned shops) and enjoying festivities everywhere. It was nice and cold, wintery and old European. Just like Scotland, everyone was warm and welcoming.
We had to go to the Temple Bar of course. It’s a landmark destination for Dublin that has been serving since 1840. It is the focal point for a neighborhood named after it that includes other pubs and a famous hotel owned by Bono and the Edge (didn’t know this while I was there). As luck would have it, Temple Bar has a whiskey tasting room and retail store attached. Aly and I bellied up to the bar for a tasting!

I was told that Middletons was in the blend.
-smelled sweet cherry
-tasted slight oak with fruit
-w/water smelled citrus sweet almost lemon
-tasted tea biscuit – quickly goes to peppery oak
-smelled grassy sweet with sour apple candy
-tasted apple candy
-went to oak quickly
-with water smelled apple candy
-tasted bitter oak
Water ruined this.
-smelled slight tar/smoke
-tasted toast and oak
-with water smelled light vanilla
-tasted oak
-trailed quickly

-smelled lemon, sugar cookie
-tasted sweet pastry – went quickly to oak
-with water smelled sweet cookie
-tasted cookie dough – went quickly to oak with a little pepper
Aged in Argentinian Malbec casks
-smelled slight rubber and floral
-tasted rubber with wine
-with water smelled rubbery and grassy
-tasted wine – trailed rubber/pepper/oak
I struck up a conversation with the young gentleman serving me. He appreciated my whisk(e)y knowledge and added this expression to my tasting.