I might mention that our May End of Year Party at Myra's (Thank you Myra!) with a low country boil and some of Ken's undistilled whisky (beers- Thank You Ken!) was another successful gathering. Terry made an appearance even. Fun was had by all and Todd ended up holding a tasting of sorts for some "new" whisky drinkers, well, tasters I might call them. By that point in the evening, not having planned to taste with notes and having sampled multiple expressions, distilled and undistilled, I failed to write down anything about any whisky. It was a party afterall, right?
Well, back to St Augustine and our tasting at the Kenwood B&B. Aly and I wish we could have made the St Augustine Distillery tour. I would have some more pictures and notes and stuff if I would have been there.
This is what I tasted at the Kenwood:
*Glenfiddich 12 yr 40% ABV
-smells vanilla with slight rubber
-tastes light oak
-with water smells light oak
-tastes light oak, peppery
-trails oak
Though I have had this before, I don't think I have ever posted notes. Being
a light Speyside whisky, the notes are not surprising to anyone, I think.
*Gelnfiddich Malt Whisky Liqueur 40% ABV
-smells light oak with cream
-tastes fruity sweet, peach
-with water smells vanilla
-tastes almost peach schnapps
-trails vanilla
I have got this pairing correct! Lucky guess, I guess.
*The Cock of the North 35% ABV
-smells light sour peach
-tastes peach/berry
-very light alcohol
-trails blueberry
This one reminds me of peach schnapps. I did taste blueberry though.
Since I have never tasted a blaeberry, which is used during production of this liquer and grows wild in parts of Scotland, I guess I associated the berry flavor in this way.
*Edradour Natural Cask Strength 58% ABV
-smells vanilla with slight floral hints
-tastes sour oak with pepper
-sweet on the lips
-with water smells lighter vanilla
-tastes stronger wood
-ruins vanilla flavor
*Dancing Pines Black Walnut Bourbon Liquer 43% ABV
-smells musty wood with slight black licorice
-tastes licorice
-trails peppery
-with water - sweet like a plum!
I enjoyed this liqueur like I would a plum wine.
*The Speyside 10yr 43% ABV
-smells cookie dough raisin
-tastes peppery - no sweetness
-with water lighter cookie dough
-tastes oak, bitter
Like many light, Speyside whiskies water ruins this.
*Glayva Liqueur 35% ABV
-smells like freshly cut vines
-tastes sweet cinnamon with vines
-with water tastes very sweet fruit, vine
I could only taste a little of this. I cannot see myself wanting to drink it. The cinnamon could not overpower the taste/smell of fresh cut vines, as if I was doing yard work. I didn't exactly hate this liqueuer. I just don't particularly like the smell of fresh cut vines.
*Stag's Breath Liqueur 19.8% ABV
-smells of honey strongly
-tastes grape juice at first
-trails punch
-with water smells honey
-tastes grape juice
-trails wood
Speyside whisky flavored with honey. I think that is exactly what I tasted. I don't know where grape juice comes into it though.